Improved Productivity & Collaboration

Data Volume Continually Grows

According to IBM, every day we create 2.5 quintillions of data – with no slowdown in sight.

K2’s Going Paperless report estimates that 15% of documents are misplaced, and 30% contain obsolete information.

Harris Research says that 70% of information workers experience issues with data retrieval every day.

Improve Productivity and Collaboration

A key benefit of records management and information governance initiatives is the almost immediate positive impact on productivity and collaboration.

IMERGE can help you achieve your improved productivity and collaboration goals through:

We can help you deploy modern tools, like artificial intelligence and automated approval workflows to enhance your success.

In our modern, global world, with employees and contractors spread far and wide, efficient communication and collaboration is critical. Never before has there been so much opportunity – or risk. You need a seasoned team like IMERGE who can help you protect your data and leverage it for competitive advantage.


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