That advice for data retention may keep you on the right side of the law, but digital over-retention is a real problem for most large organizations. You may experience:
You can’t undertake a defensible disposition project lightly. If you have years and years of excess data, it will take rigor and discipline to reduce that data to a manageable size. Having an enthusiastic executive sponsor as the project champion can make all the difference in your project’s success.
Having and using a defensible disposition policy is your strongest form of legal defense. Under what circumstances will you delete data? What routines and safeguards will you put in place to ensure your policy is followed? Our team’s experience developing these defensible disposition policies and procedures can reduce the level of effort needed – and show due diligence to legal, compliance and regulatory agencies.
Imerge can help you find the right mix of tools, templates, partners and technology to execute your plan – and relieve your servers of all that unnecessary data.
Where will you start? Which systems and records are the highest priority? Your IMERGE consultants will put together a comprehensive project plan that communicates how, what, when and who will be involved with the project.
Once the project is underway, you can count on IMERGE to keep the players and priorities on track!