Reduced Digital File Storage Costs

What are your digital file storage costs?

To get an accurate picture of what your data is costing you, you have to account for:

  • Data storage costs
  • Server / cloud IT maintenance costs
  • Lost worker time comparing versions

According to Gartner, on average, poor quality data costs an organization $15 Million in 2017. MIT Sloan Management Review added that dirty data accounts for about 15-25% of lost revenue.

IMERGE has helped clients cut millions of dollars of unnecessary spending on data storage.

What drives up digital file storage costs?

Your organization depends on data. The more data you have, the more it costs. But a large portion of your digital file storage costs are driven by poor records management practices, including:

  • Departmental data silos
  • Lack of proper governance
  • Human error like incorrect spellings
  • Continual change, without understanding which records are outdated

Improperly converging data silos into data lakes and data warehouses only compounds the problem, polluting the entire information records environment.

How do you reduce digital file storage costs?

That’s simple.

You delete unnecessary data.

However… (as you well know!) the process of deleting outdated and duplicated records is NOT so simple. That’s where the expertise of the IMERGE consulting team comes in. We can  help you with digital content remediation and set information governance policies in place to help keep the data clean.


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