Training & Change Management

Change is difficult.

Your staff needs to be highly engaged and properly prepared for your information governance project, whether that means:

  • Implementing new information governance policies
  • Introducing new technology
  • Updating ECM systems
  • Or instituting business process changes.

Training and Change Management – Keys to Overcoming Resistance

Imerge can help you overcome employee’s natural resistance through:

  • Employee education and training
  • Surveys and small group feedback sessions
  • Train-the trainer programs
  • Onboarding new employee programs
  • Live and/or web-based electron records management training

Our records management consulting and implementation planning services include phased approaches to introducing new information governance strategies.

Auditing Information Governance Performance

We recommend conducting regular review of newly implemented programs to benchmark how your project is going compared to industry benchmarks. IMERGE can train your audit staff or we will conduct regular audits to gauge the success of your IG program implementation, to satisfy process improvement goals, and to ensure effective information lifecycle management.


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